The Different Types and Symptoms of Retinal Diseases
Types and symptoms of common retinal diseases
Some of the types and symptoms of common retinal diseases are:
Diabetic retinopathy: Unmanaged diabetes can cause the blood vessels in the eyes to deteriorate and damage the retina, leading to vision loss.
Retinal tears: When the vitreous shrinks, it ends up tugging on the retina, leading to tears. Many tears in the retinal tissue can cause vision changes like floaters or flashes of lights.
Retinal detachment: If there is a tear in the retina, it can cause a build up of fluid under the retina, causing it to detach from the tissue underneath. This leads to vision loss if not corrected on time.
Macular degeneration: This is a disease in which the retina's centre deteriorates, leading to a gradual loss of vision. It can also cause blurriness in the central vision and blind spots in the visual field.
Macular hole: This is a minor defect in the retina's centre caused by injury or shrinking of the vitreous.
Epiretinal membrane: A cellophane-like tissue sits on top of the retina. When this tissue has a scar, it can appear crinkled and cause blurred and crooked vision.
Retinitis pigmentosa: This is an inherited degenerative disease that leads to the progressive loss of vision.
- A change in the appearance of straight lines
- Blurry vision
- Dark or empty areas appearing in central vision
- DifficultyAdjusting to dim lighting
- Need more light for reading and other tasks
- Rapid changes in vision from day to day or week to week
Available Retina Treatments
The different types of retina treatments include:
- Laser surgery
- Freezing probes to fix retinal tears
- Injecting gas into the eyes
- Replacing the fluid in the eye
- Indenting the surface of the eye
- Shrinking abnormal blood vessels
- Implanting a retinal prosthetic
- Injecting medicines into the eye
Why Vedanta Netralya?
At Vedanta Netralya, we embrace high-tech solutions to ensure that we can offer our patients the most effective treatments possible. We understand how vision loss can impact lives, and we do our best to preserve vision and ensure our patients have an excellent quality of life. If you have been experiencing blurry vision, floaters, or any of the symptoms mentioned above, schedule an appointment with us today!
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